Project Team

Marie Salerno

President and Co-founder

Marie Salerno is the President and Co-Founder with the late Marian Heiskell of the Conservancy. For 40 years, she has produced campaigns for New York’s cultural, literary and educational institutions, including The New York Public Library, Thirteen/WNET, New York Magazine and NYC 100: Greater New York Centennial Celebration.

Shirley McKinney

Superintendent, Manhattan Sites, NPS

Ms. McKinney is a 37-year National Park Service veteran who joined the system in 1980 as a clerk-stenographer at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. She received several promotions before moving to Mount Rushmore National Memorial in 1986 as the administrative officer, a post she held until she transferred to Gateway in 1988 as a program analyst.

Tania Perez

Development/Executive Assistant

As the Development Assistant, Tania Perez supports Federal Hall in an administrative capacity, and also interfaces with partners and stakeholders. She also aids the President to execute strategies across all campaigns.

Lynn Goldner


Lynn Goldner has produced programming for HBO Films, Sundance Channel, A & E Networks, and ABC News. Her feature films include Marvelous, The Painted Heart, and consulting on the Academy Award-winning documentary One Day in September.

Laura Herrera

Partnerships and Event Director

Laura Herrera is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Full House Events. She is the partnerships and event director for Federal Hall. Her experience includes travel and tourism, government, and event production. She has worked with the Conservancy for 15 years on projects including the annual fundraiser and the facilities leasing program at Federal Hall.

Sam Roberts


Sam Roberts is a pro-bono history advisor/writer for Federal Hall. He has been a reporter, columnist, and editor for The New York Times and New York Daily News during a journalism career that spans more than 50 years. He is the author of 10 books and the host of The New York Times Close Up on CUNY-TV.

Lynch Pinnacle Group

Fundraising Consultant

A nationally recognized advisory services firm, Lynch Pinnacle Group specializes in developing leadership strategies to build intelligence, credibility, and success for high-profile, iconic capital campaigns, national initiatives, and special projects in both the public and private sectors.

Eugene McCabe

Curatorial Intern

Eugene McCabe attends the Museum Studies Graduate program at CUNY, School of Professional Studies. He graduated with a B.A. from Lehman College. At Federal Hall, he is creating new Mobile Tours, researching and deploying archival materials and methodologies to produce imaginative new experiences.